We interrupt your regularly scheduled silence…
So I’ve had a lot on my plate these last couple of months, a lot of irons in the fire, a lot of balls in the air, [insert additional metaphors here]… And of course, my finances being what they are, it’s slow-going acquiring the tools and materials that I need…but things are starting to come together. I’ve got a series of blog posts that I’m putting the finishing touches on, about undertakings that are finally coming to fruition, or projects that can finally begin, all of which are very exciting.
For now, I’ll give you the quick hits:
- A feature on prop making, which will involve the 3D printing, post-processing, painting, and weathering, of a Fallout 4 prop.
- Tutorials on cleaning up and post-processing 3D prints, and possibly on tuning printers for the best output. (The former is easiest to explain and can overcome pretty much anything, whereas the latter is very dependent on individual printers and slicing engine/software…so I might just scratch the latter entirely except to mention some resources to check out.)
- A beginner’s guide to airbrushes, by a beginner…less of a tutorial and more of a ‘here’s what I’ve learned from my mistakes, so you don’t have to make them’.
- Finally some electronics stuff, because the ESP8266 is the coolest chip ever made, and you can have a wifi-enabled microcontroller that’ll probably run off a potato-battery, for less than the cost of a cup of coffee!
- Some talks about how 3D printing can be used to improve basically anything.
- A couple cool projects I’ve been working on.
Now, all I have to do…is actually write about any of that shit. ┐(シ)┌
Well, I’m shooting a lot of video, so unless I want all that HDD space to be used up in vain, I’ve gotta do something.