Sorry for the potato pics, but it is pretty convenient just being able to snap pics from a phone and upload them to the blog when it’s for unimportant stuff.

One spool down!
Well, it’s taken well over a year and a half, but I finally reached the end of a spool of a filament. Until now it seems I’ve just used some of each of my 40+ spools. But I’ve settled on Push Plastic light grey for printing props, because it just prints so nicely, and it shows up great on camera…so it wasn’t long before I used up my first spool.

Luckily there’s more where that came from!
So I’ve been working on some Fallout 4 stuff. Fusion Core, Fusion Cell, etc. The Fusion Core I found was the wrong size, like obviously so… It needed to be like 33% bigger, so I upsized it, and printed it in several pieces so they could all printed oriented in the best way. The Fusion Cell is just sort of…wrong. I’m going to have to model my own, again. After this I plan to finish my 10mm before I move on to bigger and awesomer things.

Original Fusion Core, rather small!

Fusion Cell

Upsized Fusion Core, and original Fusion Core.
I’m going to have to sand, glue, and spot-putty the fusion core sections together.
HAHAHA! I POSTED ON TIME! TAKE THAT! (゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \